Wednesday 26 January 2011

Pizza Hut, boring trip and family history!

The Pizza Hut coupon spree was a baaaaaad idea... we over-ate so badly you cannot even begin to comprehend! Our feast consisted of:

3 boxes of cheesey garlic bread
1 box of spicy chicken pieces
1 box of breaded chicken... stuff
1 box of potato wedges
1 box of potato skins with cheese and bacon
A chocolate brownie cake thing
1 tub of Chocco Rocco ice-cream
1 maHOOsive pizza

It doesn't look like much on paper but I can assure you, it really was. I have to say I wasn't particularly impressed with the ice-cream, which saddened me - I actually fed the last of it to Ben =( On the plus side though, on Monday (my last night down) we had Dominos, so I got my chicken strippers and Haagen Dazs choc choc chip; heaven! =D

The trip home yesterday was uneventful, no delays or notable goings on. Other than the fact that my seat between Reading and Bristol was the creakiest seat in the history of seats! Even if I just shifted a little it was stupidly loud, it was really really annoying.

In other news, I am a HUGE family history nut - I'm seriously considering genealogy as a career option - and since we've come to a little bit of a stutter with my family history, I've decided to delve into Ben's. After gathering some info from his mum, I've managed to go directly back to 1841 without too much trouble, and some interesting things are being unearthed! Even though I already knew that they were quite well off on his mum's mum's side until the early 1900s, it was interesting to actually see the transcripts and all the children, jobs, servants, etc. I branched off and did uncles and such too and it turns out that Ben's... great x4 (I think) uncle was a Chelsea Pensioner and was living in Bristol in 1891! And one side of his family were from Gloucestershire which is all kinda creepy, especially since branches of my family seem to be moving closer and closer to Surrey with each bit of research; I occasionally get worried that we might be distantly related!

Well, that was an essay!
Rayness out.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, interesting revelations! Genealogy could be a good career move.... might make you help me trace my family! =P


What d'you have to say about this ramble then? Tell me! =D