Friday 21 January 2011

Down in Epsom!

So, I'm writing this as I sit on my boyfriend's bed - he's fetching a beer and chatting to his dad. His mate's quickly run back to his house to grab his debit card so that we can take advantage of a ridiculous Pizza Hut coupon; we shall have a feast!
I came down yesterday evening, and was running late when I left the house, so I was more than a little annoyed when I remembered not far down the road that I'd left my memory stick in my room - I'd put my Creative Writing pieces on there and some music for while I was here. By the time I realised, there wasn't any time to go back. I don't even have my notebook! More annoyingly, when we got to the station it transpired that my train was running 7 minutes late, so we could infact have gone back! So then I missed the earlier connection at Reading which then meant I had to stand out in the cold there for another 20 minutes and ugh!

It was Ben's (my boyfriend) graduation ceremony this morning. I didn't take kindly to having to get up at 7am! It was supposed to be one evening before Christmas but because of the snow it got postponed and some clever person thought it'd be a great idea to have the students there by 9.30am! It went well though, even though I did mock him for a good while about his "dress" and mortarboard, hah!

Anyhow, they've both come back and crashed my fun so I'm signin' off; Rayness out!

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