Tuesday 18 January 2011

First post...

Okay, this blog's been just sitting here for a while now but I figured its time to start afresh - new year an' all that jazz! As a result, all my old posts from 2009 (yes really) have gone *Poof!* into sparkly dusty stuff and magically disappeared! =D

So, I turned 20 in November - I feel pretty old. I am no longer a teenager... the thought kinda sucks if I think about it for more than a few seconds at a time =/ But then other times I sort of like it... I'm a little strange like that. The up side of this is that most of my friends are a year or more older than me - so I take comfort in the fact that although I may be old, they will always be older!

Sooooo let's have some basics - 20 years old, in a relationship (2 and a half years), my boyfriend and his best friends are stoners and I wouldn't change 'em, dyed red hair, I'm a short arse and I like it that way, I love drawing, studying for a History degree with the Open University, biiiiiig footie fan, love my rock music but plenty of other stuff too, have a BTEC First Diploma in Music Tech. I have few friends but those I do have I love to bits for all their little quirks, mannerisms and annoyances =) So that's me "at a glance". I love writing, I may put a few paragraphs up here soon, who knows?

Rayness out!

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