Saturday 12 February 2011

Dislocations and new toys

Well, this week has been eventful! I believe I left you on Sunday with Ben and Frank setting up Ben's new decks. Since then, the, ahem, rather large speakers Ben ordered arrived, Tuesday I think it was - Ben being Ben is, it would seem, not very good at gauging measurements. 22" x 19" it said (roughly) in the item description. "Oh that's fine!" thinks Ben. He didn't tell ME the measurements, otherwise I would have stopped him. His dad yells up the stairs "Ben, there's a small box for you in the hall!" The two boxes were stacked on top of eachother and here is the result:

As you can see, the boxes were rather large! And then there was the amp. Anyway, those were pretty simple to set up so there wasn't much stress there, and it was mostly Frank that helped him set everything else up, thankfully for me!

Meanwhile, this is what I was doing one night during one of Ben's mixing sessions:

Now, on to the injuries. We're not doing very well for dislocations in this house this week! Tuesday night, Ben and I were fast asleep, and the first thing I remember of this is hearing a loud clunk and feeling excruciating pain in my left knee. I realised pretty quickly that it had dislocated. Its dislocated about four times before, but always when I've been awake, standing up and have turned awkwardly or something. I have NO idea how this happened - I must be exeptionally talented! Anyway, I rolled staight onto my back and pushed it back into place, and yes I cried a little but Ben was right there and looked after me =)
But today, Ben managed to earn the muppet of the week award - we were off to see one of his friends in Byfleet and stopped to get petrol down the road. Have you ever been sitting at the pumps behind a car and the person driving it has been in the shop for about 5 minutes practically doing their weekly shop? Well today it was like that but SO much worse. Pretty much every car at the pump was sat there for about 15 minutes - that's how long we had to wait! Anyway, people started beeping their horns and Ben with the temper he has, joined in. His horn is to the side of the centre of the steering wheel rather than in the middle, so as he slammed his thumb down on the horn he managed to - clever boy that he is - pop it out of its socket! Luckily he's used to pain (he's had a bad knee since the age of ten and a bad back for nearly two and a half years) so he popped it back in but... idiot, lol! He's laughing about it though, you couldn't not from how he managed to do it. The funniest bit is that his best friend's just come back from a week in France snowboarding and is in one piece, but Ben tries to blare the car horn and fails epically!

We went to an event that one of Ben's mates was putting on in a little club in the centre of Epsom on Thursday, a hip hop night. I have to say, I don't like hip-hop especially (unless we're counting Eminem as hip hop?) so I didn't really want to go, but I went for Rosh. I have to say, despite the fact that I didn't like the second guy on stage at ALL, the first guy was really good!

Meanwhile, I've actually found some jobs to apply for today! One at Bugler Coaches in Bath, £8 an hour office assistant post, and one in Billinghurst (yup, Sussex when I live in North Bristol!) Applying for jobs kinda makes me happy but on the other hand it depresses me since I've only ever had one interview, and its frustrating because I know I'm more than capable of doing most of the jobs I apply for, despite not having the experience - argh! I need to knuckle down to some writing again too...

Rayness out for now!

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