Friday 18 February 2011

Applications, Valentine's Day and Graduation

I'm finally back from Ben's! I stayed an extra week after dislocating my bloody knee, which was nice but the knee was still painful.

So what's going on? Well, I've applied for just over twenty jobs in the last four days, twenty, just count them! All various admin, PA and secretarial jobs. It would be lovely to at least get an interview, but I'm not really holding out any hopes. I've applied for jobs in London, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire, Berkshire, South Gloucestershire (where I live) Bristol, Somerset, Wiltshire... nobody can say I'm not trying and willing! I'm more than happy to travel, provided of course I'm not using my entire week's wages on travel expenses alone and subsequently earning less than the Job Centre would give me! Tch. How is it that some of the most miserable, unhelpful and usually inarticulate cows I have ever met get receptionist jobs and I don't even get an interview! How is this possible? I just don't understand!

Also, Valentine's Day! I can't stand single people that bitch about it - quit complainin'! It may be over commercialised, but its a nice excuse to have a day with your other half. Neither me or Ben have much money at the moment, so we went to the restaurant part of our favourite chippy for lunch (which Ben bought), then walked up Epsom highstreet, wandered around Maplin (where I was going crazy over the fact that they still sell tapes and video cassettes!), then went in the Co-op where Ben bought me some Dairy Milk Whole Nut =) So quit being bitter and let those of us that enjoy it have some fun! While I think of it too, Ben's official graduation photos came through, and I'm pleased to report that in the family one, I don't look like a complete moron! Everyone looks quite good, lol. And Ben's single one came out lovely =)
Here's one his mum took of the two of us before we left his house - this was at 8am, so I think I look pretty alive and spritely considering! And Ben with his fag behind his ear *Rolls eyes*

In other news, another random thought that's popped into my brain, I need to stop off in Basingstoke on the way to Epsom at some stage and perhaps pay a certain lovely someone a visit =P

I have a poetry assignment due in on the 23rd - joy. I'm struggling, poetry is not my strong point! I have some ideas but I just can't seem to get them together. Ah well, I can but try my best I suppose. Although you never know, I may come up with something so miraculously awesome that I decide to post it here!

Rayness out!

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