Wednesday 27 February 2013

My writing!

I won't say what I say at the beginning of pretty much every post because I think everyone knows it now so I'll just get on with it!

I had a fantastic idea for a novel after watching what was, in my opinion, a pretty rubbish film. Win! Secondly, I was having a thought; why not enter a short story competition or two? Test the water, just see how well my writing's received? With that in mind, I happened upon a rather interesting news story about this mirror that's supposedly haunted. Now, and this will be met with some skepticism I have no doubt, being a Christian I have witnessed plenty of spiritual stuff and unfortunately it ain't no picnic! However, I suppose its pretty fortunate seeing as I'm writing a story on the subject, hah.

So, having said the above, please take a look at my writing site! Its very basic at the moment, but in the Blog section there's the first draft of chapter one of the novel, and an excerpt from the short story. Read, (hopefully) enjoy, critique =D

Rayness out!

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