Monday 12 September 2011

Where have I been?!

Welcome to September, folks! Its blustery as anything and raining persistently as I write this draft, although it is 2.30am so it'll probably have cleared up by the time I post this (Still really windy but no rain so far!)

I'm aware that I have been a terrible blogger, having not posted anything for months on end, but lots of stuff's happened since my last post actually, which makes a change. Firstly, I am now the proud auntie of Zachary Peter Ashley, who arrived 11 weeks early (by caesarean) on the 3rd July 2011 weighing just 3lbs! The good news is he left hospital 2 weeks ago, and now weighs 5lbs 14oz.

The next thing was me and Ben's 3 year anniversary - I can't believe its been that long! All we did for that was went to Pizza Express in Epsom on the way back to his from central London, and it was lovely, although I really wanted to go to "our" chippy; I'm a cheap date, lol.

Ben also finally got his new car - a Honda Integra Type R, and very lovely it is too =) We had to go all the way up to Birmingham to fetch it, so his parents took us up in his dad's Impreza and we followed them home, even though my directional skills are second to none so I would have found the way home anyway. After all, it was me who decided we should get off the motorway at Chertsey when I saw how clogged the M25 was, and the M40 was bad enough! I felt all clever for suggesting that since Ben hadn't thought of that yet =D

On a completely unrelated note, I found out some more about my great x2 grandfather that died in the lunatic asylum, but I'll post the letter I received about that later. The good news is I've found one living relative so far while researching my great uncle who died in WWI - he's a 3rd cousin something times removed or something like that. Still having issues finding my great x2 uncles' descendants though, which is amusing since he had a wife and daughter whereas my gran's brother didn't! However, there are people on Genes Reunited who have him in their family tree, maybe they can tell me some more - and for £20 a year to contact people, I may aswell subscribe!

In other news, it was Bristol Open Doors Day on Saturday so mum, Auntie Lin and me went to the Bristol Record Office and then to Glenside Museum, a museum in the chapel of the former Fishponds Lunatic Asylum in Bristol, which houses mostly items from the old asylum, from photos and a straight jacket through to keys, a padded cell and a dental chair. Very interesting for me, if not a little creepy, since there are 5 old asylums in Epsom and I've been fascinated - although very freaked out - by them ever since I found out what they were and read up on them all. Add to this my great x2 grandfather and the fact that lots of epileptics like me were put away and that completes my interest!

I've also started playing hockey - as of last Monday, I am a member of Badminton Ladies Hockey Club! We're down in Division 4 but hey, bring it on! I have the fixtures list pinned to my cork board on my bedroom wall. My football team's not doing fabulously at the moment, bless 'em, so let's hope the hockey season turns out better, for the sake of my sanity! Been drooling over Rafael Nadal at the US Open the past 2 weeks too - I do think he's most delicious! Just hope that he can beat Djokovic in the final tonight, that'd be good. I shall be watching a bit of that and a bit of football when I get back from hockey training tonight - Newcastle United vs. QPR, don't wanna miss that =D

Rayness out!