Monday 28 March 2011

Disappointment, but sunshine up ahead!

Okay, I've neglected my blog for a couple of weeks, mostly because I couldn't think of anything to write when I had the time, or I was busy. For example, the assessment I didn't get to go to? Well, I went to the rescheduled one on Friday 18th March, and miraculously passed it with flying colours and went on to the interview (there were only 7 people that got to the interview stage apparently). Long and the short of it though is that I had an email today from South West Trains basically saying "sorry you haven't got the job but good try". Funny how I seemed to know - the second I left the room at the interview I went "Shit!" 'cause I was pretty sure I'd messed it up. Ah well, no point dwelling on it, at least I made it to the bloody interview stage! Maybe the ticket office WOULD be the best place for me if I worked for a rail company... Although I don't know how I'd manage to deal with difficult customers in a calm and polite manner, lol.

Anyhow, its not all bad news, Ben's got a job and I am very VERY proud of him =) "Lead Design Engineer", hehe. Even if I did spend the whole of the last working week running around sorting out his expenses claims and generally getting everything set up alongside his mum - he's lucky to have us! I felt like quite the housewife - getting up, tidying his room, emptying his bin (its not gonna empty itself!), making the bed, being there at the end of every day to give him a back rub (and a shoulder rub this week since he's managed to hurt that, I think he's been sitting funny at work) and generally run around after him. I quite enjoyed it =)

What else has been happening? Hmm... Oh yeah, me and Ben's sister Laura (Loz) have spent a lot of time looking at villas in various nice places. The sun got us in holiday mode; we were sat out on the patio - with her boyfriend who was miles away tinkering with his iPhone - looking about on her laptop. There are some lush villas around! We figured none of us went abroad last year 'cause none of us had any money, so Loz and I thought we'd plan ahead for this year. If I'm honest, I'd much rather do Spain/Portugal in September/October time anyway 'cause of the temperature, not to mention its far cheaper! I'm signing back on with the Job Centre this week so I'm gonna do my best to save up for holidays. Ben wants to go away just me and him when his work contract's up, maybe go out to Malta or somewhere like that for a nice quiet couple of days, just to chill out and be together on our own. He's not as up for a group holiday as I am, which I find quite amusing. If we got a group of 10 of us together we could get a really nice villa near the beach on the Costa del Sol or the Algarve for £131-£165 per person plus flights and spending money. And they're close to the shops, bars and restaraunts too, probably similar to the villa we had out in Lanzarote in '09. Truth be told, all this is getting me quite excited! I might make a list of people who might want to come later. I really hope Ad can come, he's Ben's best friend and I haven't been away with him yet, even though I've been away with Ben twice - I'll have to make him if he says he can't! =)

Rayness out!

Sunday 13 March 2011

Interview at last... and bad news!

As you probably guessed by the rather enthusiastic sounding title of this post - I've FINALLY got an interview! At 8.45am on Monday I need to be at Southwest Trains' "Recruitment and Selection Centre" in Basingstoke ready for 9am. The bad news; I will therefore have to be up at about 5.30 for the 7.04 train from Epsom. From there I go up to Clapham Junction and change for Basingstoke. So its really really good because I REALLY want this job... but its really really bad because... yeah, getting up at 5.30... the very thought of it frightens me!
Ben's worried about me. I can understand that. It'll be the morning rush, and up towards London, especially at Clapham, it'll be absolutely heaving on the trains and at the station. Could be interesting. On the plus side, the place I have to be is pretty close to Basingstoke station; I'll get the bus from there which takes about two minutes, because I can't be arsed with getting up even earlier to manage the (according to Google Maps) 13 minute walk (Y)

Well, when I wrote the above and saved it as a draft I was super happy; now I'm just pissed off. Basically, my mum sent me the letter, practice tests, etc. for the interview via guaranteed next day delivery on Friday 4th March, which should have arrived on Saturday 5th March. It did, but with one slight hitch - the f***ing postman couldn't be bothered to ring the doorbell to even ATTEMPT to deliver it! Ben's parents were up at about 7am (and were in all morning), and the card said "attempted delivery at 9.03", which was clearly an outright lie because not only did nobody hear the bell, which is pretty loud, but the dogs didn't bark, and they ALWAYS bark at the doorbell going. That and the "attempted delivery" card wasn't delivered until about 1pm. Clearly he was in such a rush not to be spotted that he forgot to do the card originally! So, long story short, I missed my interview. All because that postman is a lazy son of a bitch. Had I not been so livid and been thinking clearly, I would have demanded to know who the postman for Ben's road had been that morning when we went to the post office! I'm still fuming now. So I had to email the Recruitment and Selection Centre and basically say "yeah, the postman screwed me over so I can't come on Monday now", and ask if they could reschedule (it said on the letter that if you couldn't make it they'd try and re-arrange it for you). They said that unless the post had been filled that day they would invite me for another interview. I haven't heard anything yet so I'm gonna email them first thing in the morning and ask about it, because I really want that job, and I don't think its fair that I shouldn't have a shot at getting it because I couldn't make it due to somebody else's laziness! There's a ticket office job going at Waterloo 3 days a week that I'm thinking of going for, but its not quite the same is it? Plus I don't have customer facing experience and I'd have to wear a uniform. Ugh.

In other news, Ben's had a better week than me - he had an interview on Thursday morning for Lead Design Engineer (I think) at a company in Kingston, and they rang him on Friday to tell him that he'd got that job and he starts on Tuesday! Truth be told - although I'm not telling him this because he'll probably get pissed off with me - I do feel a little bitter about it, since I was meant to have an interview for a job that okay, I probably wouldn't have got anyway - but at least I could have tried - and it all went tits up thanks to a lazy postman, and not only did Ben get an interview but he got the frickin' job! I suppose that's just the way it goes. I'm gonna try my best to get an interview for that job and I'm going with the theory that if its meant to happen it will and if its not then it won't - I can but hope.

On the plus side, I have a few character ideas and such brewing in my notebook - I've even written a few paragraphs, although because Ben was rushing me to get out the door for the drive back to Bristol on Friday I forgot to transfer said paragraphs from Ben's PC onto my memory stick *Sigh* Just aswell the character ideas were written in my notebook!

Rayness out.